Please contact 111 for immediate danger or 0800 50 50 50 for the Waikato Crisis Team

Jim Goodrich

My name is Jim Goodrich. Mates Matter is important, and it's important to me. Along with having my own journey with mental health and depression challenges, I have had close friends and colleagues with the same issues. Some of them have not survived.


One of my jobs is examining the teeth of deceased people to help the police and the coroner to identify who they are. Too often these people have died by suicide. I spend way too much time looking at people who could still be walking around, who could be healing, if they had just reached out or had the help they needed, when they needed it. It is vital to me that I do something to help at every level of this problem, and that will help me too.


Everyone needs to know people do care. Everyone needs to know that they are never alone.


I am humbled and forever grateful for Craig Bulloch, Marina Elisara, Tyron Pini, Everard Whangapirita, and Sarah Jones for them allowing me to join them.


Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei. 

Jim Goodrich

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