Please contact 111 for immediate danger or 0800 50 50 50 for the Waikato Crisis Team

Kim Laurence

Tēnā koutou

Ko Moehau te maunga

Ko Tikapa te moana

Ko Waihou te awa

Ko Pae o Hauraki te Marae

Ko Ngāti Tamaterā me Ngāti Maru ngā iwi

Ko Kim Laurence tōku ingoa

I was raised on a dairy farm in a small rural community where mental health wasn’t acknowledged and drinking culture was the norm. We were taught to just ‘pull your socks up’ and ‘get on with it’ if having a bad day because there was always work to be done. It felt impossible for me to ask for help when I began struggling with anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and disordered eating in my adolescence, and took some years before I was able to get the support I needed. However, my experiences have fueled a desire to help others and make a difference in my whānau and community.

I am a registered psychotherapist with experience working with complex mental health, addictions, personality disorders, and homelessness. I have worked in NZ and abroad, in both public and private sectors, and now hold a strategic role within our national health system. I am passionate about improving access to support, eliminating inequity, and changing the way we think about mental health.

Mates Matter is a fantastic support and resource for our community, and I am privileged to have the opportunity to contribute.

Kim Laurence

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